Saturday, July 18, 2009

Quote for the day: "Every man should have a wife like Cindy who allows her husband to chase his dreams and then joins him in the capture." Jimmy Webb

Can you say HUMIDITY! We got it today along the 113.5 miles of East Texas we rode. We finished around 2:30 pm as I was fading fast on a rough expressway we got on after being in the beautiful piney woods that reminded me of my home in Mississippi all morning long. At about 4 pm it came one of the biggest down pours I have experienced in a while. Cindy was washing clothes in the laundry area of the motel and we got separated for a half hour as she could not get back to the room through the rain and hail. Our lights were out for 3 hours, but we are dry and cool now. Our little granddaughter, Amelie has these enclosed water bottles called "sippie cups". Last night as Cindy was preparing the 4 or so gallons of PowerBar electrolyte mix. Amelie was interested in what her "Mimi" was doing. Cindy just turned and said," I'm just fixing Pops' "sippie cups" for tomorrow.


  1. how fun that you got to see all your grandkids on this journey! glad you were off the road before the downpour came!

  2. Todays quote was the best of the blog so far. Go Team Webb! Randy

  3. Bless you two; wow, what a journey! I check on you every few days and get caught up. Your quote (thought) today is precious; and I agree. Keep going...You're gonna make it!

    Still amazed,
    John K.

  4. Jimmy and Cindy, John and I are so proud of you. I keep putting off sending in my donation as I think I will do it later as I am busy but I challenge everyone to stop what you are doing and send in that donation right now, if you have not already done so! I will not put it off one more day. Go Jimmy Go!!! Cindy, keep taking care of the both of you!!!! We love you, John and Mary Schoch

  5. Jimmy & Cindy,
    Wow! Keep up the amazing work. Our thursday night friends are going to love hearing all of the details of your adventure! Stay safe. We are praying for both of you.
    Stephen & Debbie Mendes
