Saturday, July 11, 2009

Quote for the day: "For many are called but few are chosen" Jesus Christ

103.5 miles today. Got off to a good early start, then the south winds began to blow again. We are in an area with little(and poor) service. We hope to get to Del Rio and finish out this section of the trip and move on. These are the tough days and I have to say Cindy is doing better than me. Pray for us both. Your prayers do help! The internet is shakey so I'll sign off.


  1. Jimmy we are thinking of you and praying for you every day. We pray that God will give you strength that can only be explained by God's provision for you as things get the toughest.
    Praying for you too Cindy. We know this is tough for both of you.
    Jon Lindskoog

  2. Jimmy and Cindy,

    Thinking and praying for you today from Hood River ,Oregon.

    God Bless your tremendous effort for the TC cause.

    Edwin Genasci

  3. Jimmy and Cindy,
    It sounds like yesterday was an especially tough day. Extra prayers for todays effort.
