Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Quote for the day: "One hundred per cent of the shots you do not take do not go in." Wayne Gretzky

115.0 miles through some of the last mountains I'll face. I will start tomorrow with the last big hill of over 2000 ft. I hope to start to get some days with some bigger numbers, but we are finding that fighting the heat and wind after 3 pm is futile. We continue to face the southeast winds of Texas. The route helped us some today as we turned north for a while. We saw several deer today. We have not seen alot of wildlife on the trip. Mostly we've seen "road kill": a dead bear in Arizona,a 3ft. rattlesnake, and a dead tarantula spider in the desert, bigger than my hand. We'll keep looking. For those of you who are wondering if that red jersey is all I have to wear, the answer is I have 2 of them. Cindy likes to be able to see me and says I am a big familiar target to see in the red.

I spoke with Mom tonight for the first time since her hospital trip. She sounded strong and asked if I still was riding the bike. I am so happy she is better. Thanks for your prayers.


  1. Jimmy, I am so amazed by what you are doing. You and Cindy are really "Experiencing God"
    Finding out where He is at work and joining him. What an incredible spirtual marker in your lives. I look forward to following your blog and seeing what God is up to on your journey. I look forward to seeing what God is going to do for Teen Challenge.

    Dan, the kids and I are lifting you both up in prayer.

    Debbie Porter

  2. Jimmy and Cindy
    I have not had daily access to your blog, but am catching up today. I am still amazed at your trip and the effort! One of the pictures makes you favor Sean Connery!

    Keep up the good effort! We are pulling and pushing for you.

    From Leeds England,
    Dan, Judy and Karen
