Thursday, July 16, 2009

Quote for the day: "A man is never more truthful than when he acknowledges himself a liar." Mark Twain

114.5 miles today. We made some more adjustments on getting around the cities. However the route map threw us another curve by guiding us through 2 Texas State Parks which was nice, but cost us some time. Winds were more favorable today than they have been. Thanks for all the prayers. To be honest, the heat is oppressive in the afternoons, so we just have to stop. There is no use killing oneself over 10 more miles. I had hoped to maybe ride some in early evenings, but it just is not practical logistically. We have to go with the 9 hours we can operate in. Today I felt the humidity for the first time. Cindy is not real happy with the way truckers in Texas drive around bikers (at least some truckers). She is staying closer providing more frequent fluid, and I am thankful of that. I am about convinced that with these conditions, we may not get that "big" day I'm looking for, but we'll take what we can get. We hope to get to and maybe past Navasota tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. From a Teen Challenge student:
    Keep up the good work! We're all proud of you and what you are doing for us. Thanks! - Ron
