Friday, June 5, 2009

I've Been Busy

Quote of the day: "Excellence that feels it has to be has proclaimed, by the mere fact of its proclamation admits the doubt of its existence." CleoMae Dungy (Tony Dungy's mom)

Sorry it's been several days since I've posted. It has been a busy week for our work plus I've gotten in some good rides. Also, this week I got an appointment with a local chiropractor that goes to my church and we have become friends, but I needed his professional help and it is already benefiting me. Up until his help, I could ride hard for about 25 miles and be fine, but after that I would get a sharp pain in my left lower back and have to fight through it. Dr. Dave Atkinson was able to find the source and treat it and today I did a century ride with no pain at all. Thanks Dr. Dave. Thanks God for using Dr. Dave! Today's ride took me back up to Diablo Grande golf course. I encountered my first rattlesnake on the road this season, probably a 4 year old by looking at his rattles. He was about 3 feet long. He probably was on the road for warmth as the day was cool. I gave him all the road he wanted (and some more). The century (100) mile ride was the fastest I have done to date. Conditions were excellent after the rain showers early in the morning.

Roger Williams informed me we have 49 pledges or contributions so far with $7125.00 pledged and $1895.00 of that already received. I am overwhelmed and encouraged. I thought of those often during my ride today and I'm sure it gave me extra energy. Cindy and I will be at a table after each service this coming Sunday and next Sunday at New Life Christian Center (our home church) in Turlock to give information about the ride to those interested. Pastor Dave Larson, who is a biker himself, has been very supportive in this effort. We are thankful.

I added a "quote for the day". We'll see how long I can keep that going. Today's quote is from the mother of the great football coach (and my former teammate) Tony Dungy. Think about the quote from the mother of a man who demonstrates "Quiet Strength"


  1. Thanks for the "He's a biker himself" plug. I think I'm more of a "wannabe" biker. I talk more than I put miles on the bike.

    We're praying for you Jimmy, and we're excited about this endeavor, not only as a personal goal for you, but for the awareness and support of Teen Challenge. GO JIMMY!

    Pastor Dave

  2. Hi Jimmy,
    Dan and I are so excited about what you are going to do. We tried to talk to you when we were in Turlock a couple of Sundays ago, but you were surrounded with encouragers.
    If you come through Phoenix, we would love to have you stay with us. We live West of Phoenix, just off of the 10.
    We are praying for you.
    Judi and Dan Hedstrom
