Saturday, June 13, 2009

Quote for the day: "You can observe a lot just by watching." Yogi Berra, New York Yankees.

I wanted to change the music some so I asked Cindy to pick some music that she would like to put on the blog. So these are the songs that reflect her heart right now as we get ready for this journey. She has a big part in helping make this trip happen. I am so blessed to have someone who always thinks of me first.

I went to the very top of Del Puerto Canyon Road at the Santa Clara County line today. That last 4-5 miles was a 'killer" (straight up). I definitely hit the anaerobic stage that I try to avoid as my heart rate got up into the high 170's for a long period as I got toward the top. The ride back down was "marvelous". I need to do that climb another time or 2 before I leave.

Friday night at Northside Assembly of God Church in Turlock was the Teen Challenge Graduation for 2009. 16 men were recognized for completing the program. 3 others were recognized for advanced training completed in the Teen Challenge programs. Each one of these graduates was asked to share the length of their addiction and the most important thing they learned in the program to help them. It was amazing to hear these men share! We got to witness the fruit and it is something special. The 30 or so other men in the program that were in attendance received much encouragement from the graduates as they look forward to completing the program, graduating, and having a changed life. The years of addiction overcome by this class were more than 200 with one student having victory after 40 years of addiction! The graduation was well attended by friends and family of the students; board members and staff; and friends and supporters of Teen Challenge.

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