Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Quote for the day: "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." Winston Churchill

Only 41.3 miles, but it's a start. We dipped the tire at Huntington Beach after driving from Turlock and I was on my way up the Santa Anna River Trail to Corona. I had a tailwind and the ride was enjoyable after some hectic final preparation. Tomorrow we head for the desert. I want to especially thank the men and staff of Teen Challenge who held a very special prayer service on Monday afternoon for Cindy and me. Also my best friend, Randy Fiorini, was able to participate through a speaker phone. It was so special and Cindy and I were very moved by it all. Randy read some verses from Isaiah 41 that especially blessed me. He has supported me in every way possible way in this project. Thanks Randy!


  1. Hey Jimmy.. Good luck on this endeavor. We returned home late last night from Pittsburgh and are excited to see that your journey has begun!! It is a super effort that you are on. We wish you well and will be following along.
    Your brother,

  2. Jimmy,
    Karen and I are praying for you that the Lord will give you strength and protection as you journey on.
    May God continue to bless you and the ministry of Team Challenge.
    Daryl & Karen Poppen

  3. Go Jimmy! Yesterday I prayed together with the guys for you and Cindy. We appreciate the way God has expressed His love, strength and goodness through you both. We're with you in spirit!
    Gary Jennings
    Faith Home Teen Challenge Ranch

    Yesterday I dropped Jimmy off at the beach and then drove to Corona in the powerful truck on the freeways of LA and Jimmy almost beat me to the motel.
    And I was the one who needed counseling!!


  5. Love the surfin USA song. Very appropriate for day #1!

  6. Jimmy, The board at Teen Challenge are praying for great bike weather and Gods protection on you and Cindy. Your are a inspiration to us all. Your efforts in supporting Teen Challenge are always a encouragement to us all. I hope Cindy can keep up with you. Will be checking your blog dailey.

    God Bless,
    David Wright

  7. Jimmy, Several folks out at North Fla Holsteins were asking me about your progress. I informed them of the url and they will be following. John Karanga, Mohammed, Ray West, Don Shaw and me. We all wish you well!!

  8. Hello Jimmy & Cindy,

    The 4th of July was uneventful in California.
    We brought a Swiss heifer to Hilmar Holsteins this evening to make the trip to Tillamook,Oregon. After We then stopped along Crowslanding road to see the Fire works only to find out after it was pitch dark that Modesto held them last night. I quess we need to read the paper more. Thought of you and Cindy when the full moon appeared. We pray for your safe journey and after reading the blog We will start praying for better biycle tires or cleaner roadways.
    Received the Teen Challenge Vision 200 newsletter last week. Wow! what great testamony from the graduates about the Healing Grace of our lord.

    Good Bless you both for your service in this area.

    Edwin Genasci
