Monday, June 8, 2009

Quote for the day: "Excuses are for losers; Commitment is for winners." Monte Clark, Head Coach SF 49ers, Training camp 1976

I get tired of having to do all the "stuff" we have to do to live. It sure must have been nice for Adam in the Garden. He and Eve didn't know they had it so good. At times I feel like I am in the garden, but at other times it seems more like hell. I would like to take my Bible and Cindy and just go up in the mountains for a few days. Maybe we'll do that after this trip. The training for the "ride" is going ok. I only cycled only 56 miles between work that we did today. I feel pretty good physically. We had a great response at church Sunday with people filling pledge cards out and asking questions and mostly encouraging me. We have several "big time" bikers that race and compete. They were mostly the quiet type, but you could tell their passion for cycling very soon in the conversation. What a good way to connect.

I have a new football picture up. This one is from a game in the mid-70's against the Vikings on a Monday night in San Francisco. The guy I am chasing is Fran Tarkenton. He was one of the most elusive quarterbacks that I played against. Some said he had "eyes in the back of his head". He did not, however, have eyes in the side of his head as I was able to get my hands on him and bring him down.

Tuesday I speak at Turlock Rotary on behalf of Teen Challenge. I have several friends that are members and that Rotary has been very supportive of Teen Challenge. It should be a good time.

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